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From unfulfilled to living your purpose
in just 9 weeks

Give yourself healing each week, and we'll have you living your happiest life.

Does this sound like you?


"I want to live a peaceful and exciting life, but I’m so depressed and exhausted. I don’t have the energy to make it happen."


"I want more out of life than just working, being a wife and mother. I want that + passion!"


"I feel let down by the people in my life. I give so much to others, why don’t they give back"


"I wish I had an abundance of resources to help the world and make a bigger impact." 


"I’ve never really felt accepted by the people in my life. I feel like I have to play a certain role, and I’m tried of it. I’m not honouring myself." 

"I’d love not to feel this anxious pit in my belly. I want to go about my day with ease."

"My job is sucking the life out of me, it’s holding me back from moving towards the life I want." 


It’s not just you!



"As a result of Katie’s PAM program, I have been equipped with tools that I can apply to many life situations. I highly recommend Katie and any of her programs to anyone looking to gain self-awareness, happiness, and overall life fulfillment." - Jeanette

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More than ever women are struggling to find fulfillment in this world with all of the obligations that rest upon her shoulders. But - 


What if this was the very last day that you felt alone, disconnected from your life, stressed AF at work, and lost as to where you’re going? 


It can be. You’re one loving decision away from a totally different life. 


If you feel that you’re made for more than just grinding through a 9-5 shoving your emotions deep down. 


I want you to know two things: 

1. You’re not alone, crazy, or ungrateful for feelings like this. 

2. I’ve been there, and I can help you out. 


I’m here to tell you that you have a desire for more, because you are meant for more! 

You’re going to live a life expressing a divine purpose that brings you fulfillment and a peaceful positive mind, because you chose the quickest and most loving path there. 


Look, this never-ending workload and your unfulfilling work is sucking the life out of you. How are you going to make any changes if you’re too exhausted, and your self esteem has taken a beating from being unappreciated for so long? Your time and energy is the most valuable, I’ll give you only what you need. No fluff. 

 What if every day is just like this one?

Just as stressful, triggering, and unfulfilling?

 Do you lay in bed at night, mind racing about all that awaits you at work tomorrow? 


Wondering if you’re wasting your one precious life and feeling guilty for not being perfect for your loved ones?


Is your temper getting shorter, and very similar to your fathers? 


Do you like what you see when you look in the mirror, or are you flooded with criticizing thoughts? 


Do you worry about getting to the end of your life and having regret for not going after what you truly wanted

'Cause I felt stuck too.

I used to feel that way too. 

I too used to wake up every morning dreading the day ahead and the unfulfilling work I had to spend precious hours doing. I would lay awake at night thinking about how there was only 27 years till retirement….oh god. That was a long time. 


I began to notice the amazing, smart, hard working women around me fade into shells of who they once were. Like my friend “Destiny”, I remember sitting in her office as she shared how stressed out she was at work, and how her manager wouldn't respect her, ignoring her boundaries when she said something couldn't be completed in time. She felt constantly steamrolled over, dismissed and unappreciated. 


She would stay at work past 8 pm which meant she missed putting her babies to bed. As a result she’d get home already resentful and she’d snap on her husband as he would try to engage with her. This once happy, bright woman had sunken into herself. And it broke my heart. I just wanted to solve it all for her. 


I worked with many women like Destiny in corporate, and I’ve worked with plenty of them as a spiritual healer. I knew that part of my mission here was to help women like Destiny out of their stuckness and into freedom using powerful shifting energetic tools

This could be you

Imagine this -

you wake up and your mind is calm. 


As you become more aware you remember the exciting day you have ahead of you. 


You lean over and snuggle next to your greatest love for a few minutes then, hop out of bed. You moon walk through your morning thinking about how lucky you are to do work you love, have friends who feel like soul family, and a mind that is now calm and free of that negative nagging voice. 


You’re so grateful your heart is bursting! 


This was all possible because you did the work. 


You claimed your desires as your future, and made it happen. 


You cleared your deepest pain that felt like an elephant on your chest, you transformed your most triggering wounds that made you feel insecure, and you learned how to practically create joy and fulfillment in this very life you live now.



and this is how -


the Peace Activation Method

The fastest path to your most fulfilling life.


Peace Activation Method is a proven step by step energetic healing process to take you from lost and anxious to apeaceful mind, unstoppable worthiness, and connected to your life’s purpose in just 9 weeksThese are the tools to help you overcome your blocks, transform limiting beliefs and release emotional pain. And, they're yours for life.

Healing your deepest pain could take years -

unless you follow a proven methodology

Peace Activation Method will teach you how to create peace in your life no matter what. This step by step process propells you down your healing path so you can dive deep into what’s holding you back, transform it into love, and confidently go after the life you CRAVE. 


  • How to set boundaries with anyone, (yes even your boss).

  • The simple process that could save you 5+ hours a week! 

  • How to live your life purpose, without having to quit your job and sell everything you own. 

  • The ONE healing process that fakes a happy childhood. 

  • Why trying to control your thoughts is a waste of time and what to do instead.

  • 3 surprising confidence tips that make you irresistible to promote.

  • How to turn imposter syndrome, people pleasing and fear into fuel for your desires..

  • The reason thinking positive is keeping you miserable and how to cultivate joy daily. 

Success Story!


"I decided it was time for radical change and understand myself better. I recommend this program to people who have not seen positive changes in the past two years and you want to overcome obstacles to create a better life for yourself.Through this program I improved myself and felt more empowered. I recommend it 100%.” - Betsy

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What's Inside

  • 9 transformational healing processes you can do in 20 minutes or less!

  • 3 anger+anxiety relieving processes you can do in less than 15 minutes

  • 9 powerful, on-demand video training modules

  • 24/7 access to the Peace Activator online community

  • Weekly community calls for hands on support 

  • 12 actionable, transformative exercises to instantly create peace and confidence

Transform in your unique style

  • Mobile- and tablet-friendly. 

  • Work at your own pace.

  • A positive, supportive, social media-free community.

  • ​Choose to heal in your style — visual, auditory, kinaesthetic.

  • ​Revisit as often as you want. The materials are yours for life.

Gifts just for you

You'll also get:

  • 2 on demand BONUS Reiki Sessions

  • 6 inner child healing mediations 

  • Nutrition Tips Masterclass by certified nutritionist (more to come in 2023)

  • 1:1 support from me if you register within 24 hours of our call

  • Discounts on Hypnotherapy and Reiki

Success Story!


"Her program greatly helped me to narrow down/focus on what the real issues were that were affecting my happiness and health, offering baby steps and giving the tools needed to help me manage my own 'hurdles.' ” - Tami

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You could improve your relationship by apologizing...

or you could stop snapping on your spouse all together.


What's peace worth to you?

Imagine if your mind was clear, relaxed and focused on your tasks - instead of scattered. How much time would you save?


What would it mean to your quality of life if you knew exactly what your unique purpose is and had the confidence to go for it?

How many cups of coffee would you save if you could  to banish your critical thoughts and go to sleep with a peaceful mind? 


What would it mean to you to fully enjoy fun experiences with your family, laugh easily, meaningfully reconnect with your partner and be present with your kids?


How many lonely nights could you skip if you could attract your most compatible soulmate in 30 days with your magnetic energy?


Imagine how freeing it will feel when you can finally walk into any room confidently as yourself being the BEST at what you do in the world, lay down at night with a peaceful mind walk away from the toxicity of your workplace.

"Can this method really help me attract more money?"

My clients say yes!


She gained the confidence to go for the role she really wanted, and conquered her fear along the way using tools taught in PAM. WOOT !!

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"The change she's able to bring about in people is so powerful. Her approach to healing is unique. She will give you the power to heal yourself."

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You in?

Transformation's valued at $10,000+, but that's not the investment. 



Daily peace can be yours


Or 3 payments of $799


P.A.M. is for the woman who’s ready to make big moves, willing to do what it takes to love herself and ready to go all in on her healing. This is for the woman who knows that a more fulfilling life is coming (even if she doesn’t know how yet), and she's ready to show up to create it.

Let's start with a call

No presh.


On this call we'll chat about what you're struggling with, what you want and together we'll decide if P.A.M. is right for you. 

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I LOVE action takers!

Sign up with 24 hours and get:


11 weeks of 1:1 support from me (valued at $2,200) FREE



Meditation 101,

How to Create Motivation Training,

Energetic Boundaries for Sensitive Gals,

100% Satisfaction Guarantee 

Sign up with 24 hours and get:


The Peace Activation Method comes with a 100% Money-Back Guarantee. My hope is that your internal world and life are forever transformed by the energetic tools and skills you develop through this training. We also expect you to give it your very best effort. That’s why in order to be eligible for our 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee, you must submit proof that you did the coursework.


If you do the full coursework and don’t feel we’ve delivered on our promise, submit your work within 14 days of purchase, and we’ll promptly refund your course fee.

This is NOT for you if:


  • you won’t commit to showing up for yourself,

  • you’re sensitive to adult language, 

  • you want live-in person training,

  • you aren't ready to take responsibility for your suffering.

But, PA.M. is perfect for you if:

  • you’re committed to creating transformation in your life, even if you don’t know how

  • you’re kind, generous, and loving woman who is open to energy work, and meditation

  • you’re willing to ask for help if you need it, and connect with others in the group.



What if one year from today, you’re in the exact same spot? Would that make you happy? Or would you feel regret? Life’s too precious to waste on regret,

click below to make sure you’re guaranteeing your future.

Lemme answer your questions, love!


  • What if I have no time to dedicate to this? 


I know you're busy so in the first ​portion of P.A.M. we'll create 5+ hours in your schedule! This transformation will only take 2 hours a week for 9 weeks. Committing to this will change your life, you get to decide if it's worth the 2 hours of Netflix or scrolling you won't have.

  • What if I change my mind?


Reach out to me right away so I can help you through your fears because typically our brains get in the way of change because it's unfamiliar. It might just be a case of your mind trying to keep you safe. Ultimately though if you don't want to be a part of P.A.M. you can request a refund within the first 14 days. Please note any 1:1 sessions you've used will not be refunded.

  • What if this doesn't work for me?


This hasn't happened. These tools work to support your journey to your best life by helping you release the blocks that hold you back, heal the parts keeping you anxious, and align you to your authentic identity. Sometimes the Universe has its own timing we can't rush, but you have the tools to soothe you through the parts you can't control. This will help you, if you commit to yourself.


What if one year from today, you’re in the exact same spot? Would that make you happy? Or would you feel regret? Life’s too precious to waste on regret,

click below to make sure you’re guaranteeing your future.

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