Weekly Reading July 2, 2018
Updated: Jan 31, 2020

Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians! And Happy Independence day all you lovely Americans!
My friend, I was unable to record this week’s reading because I have been under the weather and my voice is squeaky at best. So, this week the reading is coming to you the old fashioned way – the written word! See below for all the goodies you can expect this week of July 2 2018. I am using the Mystic Faerie Tarot Cards by Barbara Moore, photo above.
As I tune into the energy of the upcoming week, I am feeling some pressure. This can manifest as a headache, or stress, or muscle tension. If you find yourself feeling a little extra antsy this week, this could be why. Breathe out discomfort and treat yourself to what ever you need. There could also be a heavy influence of the emotions, allow your emotions to teach you and show you where some attention should be paid.
The general theme of this week is the 9 of Wands. This card brings with it a message of sleeping in the bed you have made for yourself. This isn’t necessarily a bad message! You could be very happy with the choices you have made, but these decisions will be top of mind this week. Dig into your choices, how are the decisions you've made impacting you now? Why did you make them? Do they still serve? Are there aspects that need tweaking to be even better? The example that comes to mind is a parent craving more free time but feels unable to take time for his/herself. Having children wasn’t a mistake by any means, he/she just needs to make a few adjustments to her/his lifestyle to make both being a great parent, and having enough play time an active part of life. This is the kind of thing you may find yourself thinking about this week! You may want to use this energy to come up with some solutions to these questions.
For the beginning of this week we have the Six of Pentacles which asks you to be open to receiving help from others. You may have people entering into your life to assist you at the start of this week. This goes hand in hand with the above card, are there opportunities in your decisions to have some assistance. In the example I mentioned maybe hiring a cleaner and spend the time you would have spent cleaning on something else. It can be hard sometimes to accept help but it’s an important part of self care. You can't only exhale, you need to inhale too my love! If you love giving you know how great it feels to lend a hand to others, don’t you want to let someone else feel that way? Maybe its your turn to be the receiver!
Mid week we have the Knave of Pentacles, which tells a story of innocence in our physical lives; money, security, job. Innocence doesn’t have to be a bad thing, sometimes it’s good to not have all of the facts about something. When we overanalyze we tend not to make any decisions at all. Where are you over thinking? And where are you acting with too much haste? Or are you balanced? Keep these questions in mind mid week when you get to make decisions, perhaps its time to change your approach in making a tough decision. Enjoy the simple pleasures in life! Find joy anywhere you can.
For the weekend we have 2 of Swords. Carrying on with the theme of decisions! Is there an area of your life that you are exerting too much energy? Are you failing in a project? Maybe its time to change your approach. Take note of the areas of your life that appear to be unbalanced. Is it time for a change in perspective? Do you know what the right move is? This will be a heavily mentally focused week this week. Perhaps some puzzles will do you good this weekend! Sometimes we need to change our thinking to see things clearly, ask for a second opinion if you are struggling.
Let me know how this week plays out for you! I hope you have the best week ever filled with love and clarity. Take care.
Hugs, Katie