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How to Build Self Esteem

Updated: Mar 16, 2022

Exercises for unstoppable confidence

Part 1

Confidence is a quality that you may admire in others, but struggle to cultivate within yourself.

Confidence is the abundant feeling of being at ease in social situations. It feels like certainty, and freedom! Today you will learn 2 simple exercises that build unstoppable confidence! Get ready to feel more self-assured than ever before.

With confidence you can:

  • wear what you want while channeling your inner Queen B,

  • create a life you actually want,

  • speak your damn truth,

  • set boundaries with ANYONE.

Today's K.T.V episode is for you if you struggle with comparison and hold yourself back from who you want to be.

If you have ever told yourself no, made an excuse as to why someone has the life you want or chickened out on making a big-exciting decision --- you need to press play.

How to build self confidence

If you're ready to be bold and confidentially-you press play, or keep reading.

Make this year the year you finally create the life you actually want. Work one on one with a Spiritual Life Coach get started by booking a Discovery Call.

Part 2 is coming in hot next week so make sure you don't miss it!

2 ways to improve self esteem

Exercise 1

1. Think about a few confident people you know.

  • What about them do you admire?

  • What traits do you see as confidence?

2. Write a list of the inspirational things you think a confident person would do

3. Beside each thing insert an actionable activity of how you can integrate these things into your life.

4. Address resistance as you go through each activity, you may have thoughts like I couldn’t do that, that’s not for me.

  • Question why. Why would this not be applicable to me?

  • Why do I believe I don’t have value in this way?

Step into someone else's shoes.

My favourite question for clients – if you were a rich white man, what would you do. If it makes you excited but you feel stretched it’s the right answer. (Granted you're not hurting anyone).

Use this question for inspiration of new ideas, and motivation to go after what you truly want!

Exercise 2

Practice daily love. Self love is a healing energy.

You have to rebuild the relationship with yourself every single day. Even on the days you’re not the best, or you’re not feeling hot, you’re insecure treat yourself with gentle kindness. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP. Confidence is not an overnight fix, it’s a practice that becomes stronger over time.

Confidence is self love in a fancy dress.

Implement this easy self-love activity that you can implement when you're having a bad day. Try not to beat yourself for not being perfect. Instead when you're having a bad day, just sit, hand on your heart and j ask yourself:

  • what am I feeling?

  • What am I missing right now?

  • What do I need?

  • What would make me feel okay in this moment?

Accept that you're having a bad day and that you can try to do things that will help you feel a little bit better, but that if you go to bed feeling crappy, it's okay. From this day forward you will choose to love yourself through your worst days. Ramp up the self care on those days.

How to gain self confidence

Get ready for a boost in self-assuredness unlike anything you've experienced before with these confidence-rich tips. Want help mastering confidence within 14 days? YEAH YOU DO!

Book call with me today to get started on building an incredible life full of success and happiness!

Now I want to hear from you in the comments. What is a trait that you see in confident people?


Katie Hunt spiritual life coach


I'm Katie. 


I healed my depression using energetic tools, and now I get to help other women do the same.


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